Vitamin We #6: From Fear to Courage

Taking Creative Leaps of Faith

(2222 words)

Hi everyone!

As creatives, we are the humans who can transform conceptual ideas that live only in our imagination into tangible reality - and sometimes, that enormous power scares us!

Like my favorite quote by Marianne Williamson illuminates,

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

May courage be our guide in our everyday decisions - I hope the stories below will propel you forward!

- Ponny, Editor
together with Kelly, Pol & Deva @Women's entrance

Kelly’s ColorLab


“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” – Émile Zola

Feminine Feed

» Reflecting on personal traits, expressions, and energy dynamics that are less celebrated in our world today, but essential for our inner balance regardless of gender, and for us to build a peaceful world for the future generations.

Intuition: In

  1. a: The power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

    b: Immediate apprehension or cognition

    c: Knowledge or conviction gained by intuition

  2. Quick and ready insight

INTUITION: You don't know how you know it; you just KNOW.

It’s hard to explain with words or justify with logic, but if you ignore it, you’ll probably regret later 😂 

How do humans understand the world? We mainly perceive the world and receive inputs with our 5 senses, then process and analyze part of the data with our heads. Some people also have the extrasensory perception (ESP).

And our mysterious and complex head brains are NOT the only intelligent agents in us; science and the latest research have finally uncovered that we also have gut brains and heart brains, with our vagus nerve playing a major role in modulating their communications and translations.

Think of our nervous system as the "internet" within us that connects us to the “outer net”!

With such a wealth of intelligence that we have, wouldn’t it be biased to rely only on our linear, logical, rational mind (which AI can do so much better than us) to make choices that bring us freedom and happiness?

And, for us to build an inclusive world, wouldn’t it “make sense” to start by having an inclusive “board of directors” within us when it comes to making important life decisions?

Then, the next important question becomes - How do we know if our intuition is communicating with us?

It can be through multiple ways: You might feel it in your body - like knots in the stomach, a voice telling you a hint, a word dropping into your mind, a moving image flashing inside the screen of your forehead, or a full-body sensation that tells you “hell yes!” or “hell no!”.

Maybe you can sense someone’s emotions before they ever start speaking or can communicate with animals. Maybe you have foresight and can see a future episode. Maybe you feel an urgency to get prepared, to call someone in need etc.

Everyone is different, and just like every skill, with training, it can be developed and strengthened like our muscles!

P.S. You are definitely not muggles; stop pretending 😆

🌟Creators Spotlight in May

Every Sunday, we spotlight a budding artist or creator to get their work seen with the intent of motivating them to keep showing up!

Here are our picks for May:

🌟 ICYMI: Don’t miss out on our Twitter Space with Andrea Silverman aka AZ Silver - the exceptional new media artist and pioneer where she shared with us her journey with creativity, her experimentation with new mediums, her moving story that inspires her to commit to increasing accessibility in web3 (and why it’s urgent), balancing family and art and building a business as an artist!

*A new friendship was also formed during the live convo - how fun! 🩵

👉 Scroll through her stories below and listen to the space at the end!

Feature Stories
»This is where we feature personal stories from creative souls every week! Feel called to contribute one? Submit yours here!

Courage is not the absence of fear. Fear is just a feedback signal our bodies send us whenever we are moving beyond our comfort zone, thinking we are not in total control.

Courageous people still feel fear, but they are able to manage and make peace with their fear by saying “Thanks for sharing 😘 and keep going!

Story #1: “If You Are Afraid To Do Something, Be Afraid and Still Do It!”

By Laura Santiago - A Mexican graphic designer and illustrator. Her creativity constantly arises from the relationship between nature and women in the modern world.

“Doing something for the first time can be challenging.

Speaking in public in a room full of strangers, in a language that is not your own, and while suffering from social anxiety is more than terrifying! Trust me, I've been there!

I remember my first experience speaking in a room full of people about my art, as something that I will never forget. There I was able to understand the true meaning of being creative.

Creativity goes beyond experimenting with new art techniques, media, styles etc. It is something that as artists, we carry within ourselves; we are constantly faced with the desire to create something new externally to show the world but most of the time, all our creativity wants to do is to create something new internally.

Going back to my first experience as a speaker, I reached for the microphone on shaky hands and knees, and right there, I adopted this life motto: "If you are afraid to do something, be afraid and still do it."

This does not mean that I am no longer afraid of anything; on the contrary, I get scared and overwhelmed more often than not. It gives me anxiety even looking at a blank canvas!

But then, I close my eyes, pick up my pencil, and keep drawing until my heart takes over my brain.”

» Public speaking is ranked the world’s greatest fear - We certainly feel you, Laura! Thank you for sharing this courageous story and demonstrating why embracing fears is essential for our creativity to flourish 🛎️

Story #2: “From Fear to Courage: My Journey as an NFT Artist” 

By Caro - Dominican abstract artist. On a search for an identity accepting all the parts of who we are.

“Embarking on this NFT journey, it was the first time I felt comfortable sharing my art.

Fearful of failure, it had held me back for so long.

Yet I mustard courage by following the advice of one of the people I look up to the most, Alan Dunn.

He said, “If no one sees it, then what's the point?”

He encouraged me to be vulnerable and share my craft. So I did, and it opened the door to a community that has helped me build myself up.

Transformation takes time, takes work. It can be uncomfortable, but everything worth your time won't always be easy.

Although my journey has been full of failures, I'm on my way to building something I love and believe in. I've encountered failures that have given me the most valuable lessons.

I'm on my way to exploring who I am as an artist, and a member of the NFT community. As a visionary who wants to embrace the future.

Don't fear of failing; it’s part of the process of growth.”

» I believe most creatives would resonate with your experience; every time when we share our craft with the world, we feel vulnerable - and that vulnerability is EXACTLY why other humans can connect with our work on a deep level. Thank you for expressing such delicate feelings so brilliantly Caro 🫶!

🎤 Calling: Stories of Fatherhood

Do you or your partner have a story about fatherhood to share with us? It’s a less-discussed topic, but certainly deserves more attention! Submit one here, and be an inspiration to others!

💡Upcoming Workshop:

Productivity Hacks for Creatives -
Flow ♾️ Pomodoro Method

💪 Come co-work with us!

Do you want to boost your productivity and be more in flow? Pol will be sharing with us his recent experiments & insights using a combo of Flow principles + the Pomodoro method 🍅! Come learn a new hack and apply it on the spot TOGETHER!

*New Date: 6th June (Next Tue)
Time: 16:00 CEST / 10:00 EDT / 22:00 HKT
What to expect: After Pol’s sharing, there’ll be a 25-min co-work session for us to experiment with it together - so please bring along a small task with you!!!

Wise Words from Book Mentors

» Book mentors = Powerful books that are almost as valuable as having a mentor IRL for your personal & professional growth

Today I'd love to feature -

Taking The Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears

by Pema Chödrön

We are all very familiar with our fear responses - they are a series of predictable (and boring) chain reactions whenever they are triggered; how can we get unhooked so we can break the chain?

(The above is an affiliate link that will generate a commission for Women's entrance, which we will reinvest into the community!)

Pema Chödrön is an American Buddhist nun in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, and author of many books and audiobooks.

This book is a short and relatable read on freedom and happiness, explaining the complicated subject of human experiences in a down-to-earth approach that speaks to a wide audience regardless of what you believe in.

3 Key Takeaways -

Idea #1 Feeding the Right Wolf 🐺:

You’ve probably heard of this story before:

A Native American grandfather was speaking to his grandson about violence and cruelty in the world and how it comes about. He said it was as if two wolves were fighting for his heart. One wolf was vengeful and angry, and the other wolf was understanding and kind.

The young man asked his grandfather which wolf would win the fight in his heart. And the grandfather answered, "The one that wins will be the one I choose to feed.” (P.3)

To interrupt the autopilot pattern that has been accumulating momentum for decades, whenever we feel triggered, just pause, be still for a few seconds or minutes, take 3 deep breaths, and slow the process down. In that precious moment, we can make a different choice that leads to happiness and freedom and unlock our access to our natural intelligence, warmth, and our capacity to remain open and present with the natural movement of life.

Idea #2 The Source of Our Unease:

She wrote,

The source of our unease is the unfulfillable longing for a lasting certainty and security, for something solid to hold on to.

Unconsciously, we expect that if we could just get the right job, the right partner, the right something, our lives would run smoothly.

When anything unexpected or not to our liking happens, we think something has gone wrong...

We are never encouraged to experience the ebb and flow of our moods, of our health, of the weather, of outer events - pleasant and unpleasant - in their fullness.

Instead, we stay caught in a fearful, narrow-looking pattern of avoiding any pain and continually seeking comfort. This is the universal dilemma. (P.32)

What then? We are encouraged to drop the storyline, and our attachment to our identity (which is NOT fixed and static anyway), and simply pause, look out or look up to the sky, and breathe. Watch our emotions as simply dynamic energy moving through. Life’s energy is as shifting, fluid and changing as the weather. Happy and sad, comfortable and uncomfortable, alternate continuously.

Idea #3 Touching the World Through Touching Our Own Distress:

Have you ever wondered: Why do we need to experience pain? Is there any value, and importance for feeling pain?

The author said yes:

When you touch your sorrow or fear, your anger or jealousy, you are touching everybody's jealousy, you are knowing everybody's fear or sorrow...

Instead of your distress becoming all about you, it can become your link with everyone all over the world who is in the same predicament. The stories are different, and the causes are different, but the experience is the same. And so it is with gratitude and kindness...

When things fall apart, and we can't get the pieces back together, when we lose something (or someone) dear to us, this is the time when the natural warmth of tenderness, the warmth of empathy, and kindness are just waiting to be uncovered and embraced.

This is our chance to come out of our self-protecting bubble and to realize we are never alone. This is our chance to finally understand that wherever we go, everyone we meet is essentially just like us. (P.82-83)



The world needs more courageous humans like you, like us. Don’t ever let anyone dim your light!!!!!

Wishing you a lovely wrap-up of the month 💖

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- Ponny