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- Vitamin We #24: We Have a Confession To Make
Vitamin We #24: We Have a Confession To Make
The Science of Getting Rich

(1399 words)
Hi, creative souls!
How are you?
We have a confession to make…
This whole journey of creative entrepreneurship has been a rollercoaster ride🎢 - lesson after lesson that challenges us to become better artists, leaders, communicators, collaborators, and just better humans in general 💪 Can you relate?
The dominating market forces are like strong waves that keep changing. As early adopters, while we keep pivoting to ride the tides, we’d ask ourselves: Will we ever pass the chasm until it reaches the mainstream market?
If you are with us, most of you have/had big hopes for web3 + NFTs that there can be a Renaissance for art and thriving decentralized communities SOON.
Meanwhile, before that SOON arrives, we all (who are still here) are figuring out the HOWs while paddling hard to keep ourselves afloat.
At We Stories, we get tired of setting SMART goals that can be too static and very often, disappointing.
Therefore, this year, we’ve decided to adopt a “non-strategic strategy” - To start creative experiments that satisfy our curiosities anyway and help us understand you - our beloved creatives - in a deeper, more holistic way 🥰
After all, what truly matters are the friendships we build along the way!
Will you join us on this ride?
- Ponny, Editor @ We Stories
Introducing Creative Experiment #1 -
Confessions of Creatives 🫘💨💌
Do you have a confession to make?
Is there any message that has been stuck in your throat for a while that letting it out would feel like a long, deep exhale?
Is there any “elephant🐘 in the room” that has bothered you if you DON’T share it with the world?
Or are you secretly admiring an artist and feeling too shy to express how their art has touched your heart?
Good or bad, we want them all!

Being creative means constantly challenging ourselves to get to the edge - and to experience it all with emotional intensity.
Sometimes, it could get overwhelming… which could make you feel you are the ONLY person going through this alone.
Let us assure you that this is just an illusion. There are 8.1 Billion people alive on earth now, and if we add all the creatives before our times (whom we can connect through their timeless art) and those who are yet to be born, you CANNOT be the only human who has EVER experienced this!
The fact that you are unique but not THAT unique when it comes to human experiences is what We Stories are here for 😘
Believe us - you can never be alone - if you are willing to open your heart to connect 🩵
» So if you are ready to confess - Check out this form.
Submission can be anonymous with a nickname, and the email address is OPTIONAL! We look forward to receiving your input! 💥
Are you missing Kelly’s art?
Here you go, one of her latest posts on IG! If you haven’t followed her yet, here’s her awesome account ❤️🔥
Feature Story
“This is the year I'm diving headfirst into a whole new decade of my life”
Kelly & Pol spent the first month of 2024 in Colombia; this story contributed by Pol shared his reflection and intention for the year ahead, very much like a journal entry ✍🏻
"The other day, after a sweet break filled with family time and vacations, we kicked off the year with our first We Stories team meeting.
We spilled our feelings, our dreams, and basically our guts about how we want to rock the upcoming year. But, you know what was the absolute highlight for me? We shared about our personal lives, too.
Ponny dropped a gem that hit me right in the feels. She put words to this vibe I've been feeling deep down — this is the year I'm diving headfirst into a whole new decade of my life. Back in December, we threw a Vision Board party, and as I looked forward to the next year, I could sense that something was different. It hit me that the last couple of years were this wild ride of embracing creativity in my life.
I've been bringing out this creative side that used to be, shall we say, a bit scary. Now, it's part of my everyday routine and the real me. And this year, it's like that whole process of self-discovery has hit this sweet spot where I'm just chillin' with this new and improved version of myself. I'm looking for new challenges and dreams that fit my old goals but also feed this fresh vibe I've got going.
I've been on this rollercoaster of emotions until now, but guess what? I'm staring at a path ahead that's so exciting and feels crystal clear.”
» We are proud of you, Pol! Being a budding architect + an entrepreneur simultaneously can’t be easy, but you make it through! I can’t wait to see more of your creative side being expressed naturally💚
Wise Words from Book Mentors
The Science of Getting Rich
By Wallace D Wattles
I found this 2003(!) copy of the 1910 classic, «The Science of Getting Rich» in my book cabinet🗃📚
Yes, it's THAT book that inspired «The Secret,» which made the law of attraction and the idea of manifestation a popular trend!
This short book not only talks about the mindset of calling in material wealth - it explains why being creative AND rich is the most natural and noble state for those of us who are determined to live out our full potential🌻.
In 2003, I was still in secondary school, contemplating what to study at university.
The biggest AHA🧚♀️ back then was the difference between the Competitive mind (lack & fight) and the Creative mind (creating from the formless = infinite).
As I reread it now, the message that resonates the most is: "When you make a failure, it is because you have not asked for enough." 🤯
"The desire for riches is simply the capacity for larger life seeing fulfillment...and fuller expression. Every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility to come into action."
"The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to the supreme intelligence is a liberation of force…and the reaction is an instantaneous movement toward you. Gratitude keeps you connected with power."
"You do not have to compel God to give you good things, any more than you have to use will power to make the sun rise🌞."
"The poor do not need charity; they need inspiration...Health is never to be attained by studying disease and thinking about disease."
"The only way which you can assist the world in growing rich is by growing rich yourself through the 💫creative💫 method, not the competitive one."
"You can advance only by being larger than your present place, and no one is larger than their present place who leaves undone any of the work pertaining to that place."
"There is never any hurry on the creative plane, and there is no lack of opportunity...the moment you begin to hurry you cease to be a creator and become a competitor."
"Convey the impression of advancement with everything you do...let every act and tone and look express the quiet assurance that you are getting rich - that you are already rich… and that in so doing you are making others rich and conferring benefits on all."
Have you read this too? I’m curious about your biggest takeaways from this classic!
🚪Are these Openings A Good Match for You?
Art Residence Opportunities in Europe: Padula, Italy | The Hague, Netherlands | Norfolk, UK. Application Deadline: Soon!
Luke Burgis, the author who coined the term “Mimetic Desire,” just announced in his newsletter that he is calling for collaborators on essays and hiring a Social Media Manager, Art Director, and Project Director.
Vet them yourself and see if that works for you!
May 2024 be the year where you embody your creativity and richness on all levels of your life!
See you in ~ 2 weeks 🥰