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- Vitamin We #20: Women, Time To Lead The Way
Vitamin We #20: Women, Time To Lead The Way
Women Who Run with the Wolves

(1068 words)
Hi, creative souls!
How are you?
It’s mid-November. At this time of the year, everyone seems to be in a hurry to consolidate, integrate, and evaluate, getting ready to finish the year strong.
To be exact, this energy encourages us to hold an honest review of how plentiful we have on our plates, accept what we can and won’t be finishing, and peacefully cross them off our to-do list with a good feeling of relief!
What are you cleansing, releasing, and off-loading so that you can travel light to 2024?
Today’s feature story is from Gigi, a woman who follows her heart with admirable courage and ventures into a new playground of cinematography.
And we’ve chosen a classic - Women Who Run With Wolves - as our book mentor for this edition. Is it time to revive and rewild the feminine souls on a massive scale?
Happy reading!
- Ponny, Editor
together with Kelly, Pol & Deva @ We Stories
Feature Story
»This is where we feature personal stories from creative souls! Do you have one to share?
“I wanted to live my life to its fullest.”
By Gigi - Female cinematographer based in Barcelona

"I remember living in London and having a huge depression. I was out of my comfort zone, I started having a bad relationship with food and I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Coming back home made me a failure?
Where was the joy I had back home?
Why was I feeling so lonely?
I tried my best to get out and feel happiness so I started traveling and that gave me a purpose.
Flying and writing in my notebook was something that helped me a lot and traveling around the world and taking photos with my camera made everything better and I found a goal.
I wanted to start studying and working in the photography industry. I wanted to live my life to its fullest. I didn’t want to work at a job that I hated... so I kept learning and improving my skills until today.
I’m not yet in the dream job I truly want, but I’m closer to it, and seeing my journey and all the processes I made makes me feel powerful!!”
» What a powerful pivot, Gigi! We are so happy that you’ve found what sparks joy & excitement in you, which will lead you to even more joy & excitement in your future creations! Keep going, and we are excited to see what mystery & beauty you are going to capture next 🎥
*The Circle of Trust Bulletin*
Celebrating our fruits of labor 🍇🌰🌽🎃🍠
Lola Villa, our lovely creative soul & member of the Circle of Trust, has dropped her FIRST collection on Opensea!!! Come show her mesmerizing art some love and appreciation!
Are you celebrating, launching, hosting, performing, minting, offering, or calling in collaborators or participants?
Let the world know! We want to feature your
Invitations/Humble-Bragging/ Shoutouts & Visibility Expansion!
REPLY to this Email with the what/where/when/how/CTA details in 1-2 lines with links, and we’ll feature them in our future editions of Vitamin We!
Wise Words from Book Mentors
» Book mentors = Powerful books that are almost as valuable as having a mentor IRL for your personal & professional growth!
Women Who Run With Wolves
By Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
This classic is deeply spiritual, poetic, and intriguing for everyone who loves stories, archetypes and symbolism. It is a highly acclaimed must-read book for women to understand how “growing up women” in this patriarchal culture has barred us from accessing our innate feminine power of nature.
I remember I attempted to read this book 20 years ago, but I wasn’t ready. Now, at the time of writing, I’m only on chapter 3 (~ 20%). To describe this work as “profoundly captivating” is an understatement; It is best to be accompanied by a study group where women gather around a fire to decipher the symbols, metaphors and insights through sharing personal stories, dancing, singing and BEING WILD 💃🏽
💥There are stories that can be brutal - not a book for the fainted heart or if you just want some cheerful, leisurely read. Well, compared to the news and what is happening in the world these days, the violence in these mythical stories is nothing.
Here are some beautiful quotes that might resonate with you:
Stories are medicine. They have such power; they do not require that we do, be, act anything - we need only listen. The remedies for repair or reclamation of any lost psychic drive are contained in stories.
Once women have lost her (the wild women) and then found her again, they will contend to keep her for good. Once they have regained her, they will fight and fight hard to keep her, for with her their creative lives blossom; their relationships gain meaning and death and health; their cycles of sexuality, creativity, work, and play are reestablished; they are no longer marks for the predations of others; they are entitled equally under the laws of nature to grow and to thrive.
Now their end-of-day fatigue comes from satisfying work and endevours, not from being shut up in too small a mindset, job, or relationship. They know instinctively when things must die and when things must live; they know how to walk away; they know how to stay.
The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.
If we stay too long with the protective mother within our own psyches, we find ourselves impeding all challenges to ourselves and therefore blocking further development... It is through the process (of daring herself to the edge of woods) that she sharpens her intuitive powers.
An early holiday wishes to those who are celebrating Thanksgiving next week! Thank you for your presence in witnessing our growth journey in 2023 🥰
- Ponny
P.S. We are planning something really exciting in Dec to help us ALL finish the year strong and seed joy and excitement into the new year - will announce the details soon!